Frequently Asked Questions

For answers to any additional questions not addressed here, please email Markets & Management Program Coordinator Jessica Ellington.

What is the Markets & Management Studies Program?

Duke undergraduates who are preparing for careers in business and management, banking, consulting, government, the non-profit sector, and related graduate fields may enroll in the Markets & Management Studies Program. Upon completion of program requirements, students earn an interdisciplinary certificate in Markets & Management Studies.

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What are the requirements to earn a certificate in Markets & Management Studies?

The program is open to Duke undergraduate students. Successful completion of 7 courses: 3 core courses, 1 of which is MMS 450 (an integrative Capstone course taken in the senior year), and 4 elective courses. More details concerning the program requirements are available on the Markets & Management web site.

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When may I enroll in the Markets & Management Studies program?

First year students may not enroll in the Markets & Management program. However, students can register for Markets & Management courses during their freshman year. Sophomores and juniors who have officially declared their major can enroll in the Markets & Management program. Seniors may not enroll in the Markets & Management program.

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How do I enroll in the Markets & Management Studies Program?

Student enrollment for the Markets & Management program must be via the Markets & Management web page. Click here for the Enrollment Form.

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Which course should I take first?

Although there is not a designated "first course," either MMS 197 Leading and Managing in Organizations or SOC 258 Markets and Marketing are recommended first courses to be taken early in your program. Alternately, if you know your future career path, you may want to tailor your course selection accordingly (i.e., global or marketing, and so on). 

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Why are finance courses important?

To introduce students to the tools and ideas needed to deal effectively with the formulations and implementation of strategic choices for the firm. To compete for jobs and internships, students need to know the "nuts and bolts" of Corporate Financial Analysis skills. Most major organizations do not offer training programs in these skills to entry-level employees anymore. They expect employees to come equipped with this basic knowledge. To acquaint students with the analytical tools used by financial professionals.

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Do I have to take the Markets & Management courses in any particular order?

No, you do not need to take the courses in any particular order. But you do need to wait until your senior year to take the Capstone Course, MMS 450—Markets & Management.

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How do I get into the Capstone Course, MMS 450—Markets & Management?

Admission to the Capstone Course is by permission number. These numbers are available to seniors during advising for a particular semester and may be obtained by contacting the Program Coordinator.

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Can I get Markets & Management credit if I take a class satisfactory / unsatisfactory?

No. According to University guidelines, courses taken toward a major, minor, or certificate cannot be taken on a satisfactory / unsatisfactory basis. Classes in the Markets & Management Program taken on a pass/fail basis will not count toward the certificate.

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Can I get credit for courses taken during Study Abroad?

You can receive Markets & Management credit for 2 courses taken while studying abroad. If the courses are given an equivalent Duke course number (ECON 373, for example), you will receive credit since these courses are approved electives in the Markets & Management program. If you are given credit for a course as ECON 300, for example, we will need to see a syllabus or detailed description of the course before deciding whether Markets & Management credit can be given. Students may want to seek this approval before taking the courses abroad. Tentative Course Approval Forms are available from the Office of Study Abroad. Please bring the signed form and course syllabus to the Markets & Management office. (See

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Can I get credit for courses taken at other universities in the United States?

Yes, in accordance with university policy. Students should bring a completed and signed approval form (available from the Academic Deans) to the Markets & Management office, along with a syllabus or detailed description of the course(s) they plan to take.

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Can I get credit for a course for both my major and for the certificate?

Students may use no more than 2 Markets & Management courses to satisfy the requirements of any major, minor, or other certificate program.

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Which is more significant—a minor or a certificate?

Certificate programs are analogous to a minor, but are interdisciplinary in nature. There is usually more structure to a certificate than a minor. Most certificate programs include 1 or more core courses and a capstone or introductory course. Also, most certificate programs require 6 or more courses; many minors require 5 courses.

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Who is on the Markets & Management Steering Committee and what is their role?

The Markets & Management Steering Committee, which monitors the course offerings, guides curriculum development, and approves Program additions and deletions, is comprised of 6 faculty members, 3 undergraduate student representatives, and 2 graduate and professional student representatives. If you have issues of concern that you would like addressed by the Committee, please contact the Markets & Management Program Coordinator in the Markets & Management office (660-0780) or your student representatives.

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Where is the Markets & Management Program office and when is it open?

The Markets & Management Program office is located at 277B Reuben-Cooke Bldg., 417 Chapel Drive. The hours during the academic year are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. The phone number is 660-0780.

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