Today's businesses are influenced by global events, global supply chains, foreign governments, and consumers from all over the world. The Markets & Management Studies Department encourages students to take advantage of study abroad opportunities, U.S. global education programs, business internships, and Duke Engage experiences to build their knowledge of global business practices.
There are several opportunities with course content that will count toward the Markets & Management Studies certificate. Other programs have relevant content and are a good way to supplement your Markets & Management education.
Please read and follow all information and instructions concerning the course approval process on the Global Education Office website here.
International Opportunities
Duke in Geneva
The Global Education Office for Undergraduates, the Markets & Management Studies Program and the Philosophy Department of Duke University offer a six-week, two-course summer program in Geneva, Switzerland entitled, “Globalization: Issues in Business Management and Political Philosophy" under the direction of Professors Alex Rosenberg and Martha Reeves.
Home to a hundred multinational businesses, the European base of the United Nations (UN) and of all the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which deal with it, Geneva provides a relevant location in which to study both the character and practice of international business and its impact on global issues of human rights, ecological protection, disarmament, and economic development.
Duke in Provence
The Duke in Provence program is a 1-credit summer program that offers students the dynamic experience of working for a French business, while taking a course that explores the work culture of Southern France. The course, FR315SA, which is a mix of coursework and internship and is taught entirely in French.
This course examines the concept of work from a cross-cultural perspective, immersing students in a French organization, and supporting them throughout their experience with opportunities to analyze and reflect upon their experience. Students enrolled in this course will complete a 4-week accredited internship in France, which is framed by academic coursework and close individual follow up by both faculty and interning entities. In the course, students will evaluate how France's history has shaped its cultural practices, ranging from interpersonal interactions to professional relations.
Duke in London: Finance
Duke’s Department of Economics and Global Education Office for Undergraduates (GEO-U) offer a six-week, two-course program in London, England for Duke students interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the financial services industry and global financial markets. London is an ideal setting in which to study these topics, given the city’s role as a center for financial transactions throughout Europe, as well as links to the US, Asia, and emerging markets. The location likewise offers students a variety of opportunities to interact with Duke alumni living and working in London.
Domestic Opportunities
Duke in New York: Financial Markets and Institutions
Duke in New York: Financial Markets and Institutions is a liberal arts-based, one-semester program in New York City for Duke undergraduates interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the financial services industry and global financial markets. PLEASE NOTE: We actively welcome sophomores as well as juniors to apply to the Duke in New York Finance program.
The program incorporates four full-credit courses taught by Duke faculty, guest lectures and panels, visits to trading floors, and socials hosted by banks and other institutions. The courses feature a broad-based liberal arts approach to issues of international finance, financial markets, and associated institutions. This includes regulation, government-business relations, supporting institutions, and value and ethical issues.
Duke in Chicago: Finance
The Duke in Chicago: Finance program is a four-week, one-course summer program for Duke students with career interests in finance and business. The Duke Global Education Office for Undergraduates (GEO) administers the program in conjunction with the Duke Financial Economics Center and the Duke University Economics Department.
In addition to in-class lectures, discussion, and projects, the core learning opportunities include guest lectures, mainly by Duke alumni working in finance and business in the Chicago area, and visits to financial firms as well as historical and cultural sites. Students engage with alumni working in a variety of areas within the finance field, including corporate finance, private equity, asset management, investment banking, sales and trading, hedge funds, and financial management in the non-profit sector.
DukeEngage Opportunities
The cornerstone of the DukeEngage experience is its breadth of U.S.-based and international immersion programs, which place students for a minimum of eight weeks in communities worldwide. Through their service, students help address a particular community's issue(s) — and embrace the opportunity to learn and grow developmentally throughout the process.
Over the years, many Markets & Management students have participated one or more of the numerous U.S.-based and International Duke Engage programs.