Edwyn (Ed) Tiryakian, Lecturing Fellow of MMS, and Shep Moyle, Associate Director of MMS and Instructor in the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Certificate, have been named among Duke's top 5% of undergraduate instructors, according to student evaluations. Tiryakian has had an illustrious career spanning multiple different industries, including over 20 years working in investment banking and working as a high-profile sports agent to former Duke players. He began teaching with the MMS certificate over a decade ago and… read more about Two MMS Faculty Members Named Among Duke's Top Faculty for Excellence in Teaching »
If I asked you who spends time with students advising them about their futures? Who is regularly recognized as one of the most popular MMS instructors? Who gives his time tirelessly to a variety of university endeavors? No one would have trouble deciding. It’s George Grody. George has been a stalwart of the Markets & Management Studies Program for 16 years, teaching every semester and even during summer sessions. His Marketing Across Borders, Organizational Leadership and Management, and senior Capstone courses… read more about Message from the Director: Longtime MMS Faculty Member To Retire »
Are you fascinated by the allure of luxury brands and curious about their impact on happiness? Do you ever ponder how wealth shapes our world and personal well-being? Embark on an unparalleled journey through the intriguing course Luxury, Wealth, and Happiness. This unique class opens the doors to exploring the multifaceted relationship between material abundance and joy, offering a deep dive into the psychological, cultural and economic aspects of living a life of opulence. Taught by Shep Moyle, a 30-year entrepreneur who… read more about New Course Alert: Dive into the World of Luxury, Wealth and Happiness »
What happens when you ask a group of first-time marketing students to develop fresh ideas for an international cruise company's marketing plans? TikTok dances, Buzzfeed quizzes and influencer marketing, of course. But students who joined Cheryl Lin’s Marketing Management 220 course didn’t rely merely on trends. Lin, a visiting associate professor in Markets & Management Studies, took students through the process of designing market research, characterizing customer segments, and creating promotional campaigns, with… read more about Students Help Royal Caribbean Cruise into New Markets »
Every summer, students across Duke leave from Durham to spend their summers around the globe. Many of these students participate in summer programs through Duke's Global Education Office. Markets & Management Studies co-sponsors two global education summer courses available to MMS students, Duke in Provence, and Duke in Geneva. Duke in Provence is co-led by MMS Associate Director Deb Reisinger and Duke in Geneva is co-led by MMS Director Martha Reeves. To learn more about these and other programs, visit … read more about A Look Back at a Summer in Geneva and Provence »
Edwyn (Ed) Tiryakian, Lecturing Fellow of Markets and Management, has been named among Duke's top 5% of undergraduate instructors, according to student evaluations. Tiryakian has had an illustrious career spanning multiple different industries, including over 20 years working in investment banking and working as a high-profile sports agent to former Duke players. He began teaching with the MMS certificate over a decade ago and brings his knowledge and experiences from these industries into the classroom. Tiryakian… read more about Tiryakian Named One of Duke's Top Faculty for Excellence in Teaching »
Ritika Saligram can be heard across campus and beyond. She is a senior studying Political Science, History and Markets & Management Studies. Saligram helped plan an educational trip to Pearl Harbor for more than 30 Duke student and alumni in her role as Co-Chair of the Duke Program in American Grand Strategy. She is president of Duke’s oldest, most award-winning female acappella group, Out of the Blue. Her interests include security and conflict studies in Asia, European history,… read more about Class of 2023: Ritika Saligram gives her voice to a senior year filled with challenges and hope »
Elizabeth Wise came to Duke like many students — excited to be in a place where academics and athletics blended, but unsure what she wanted her path to be. “When I came to Duke kind of always thought I'd end up in the business world though,” she said. While MMS was on her radar from the beginning, she spent her first couple of semesters trying courses before deciding on Psychology as her major. “Spring of my freshman year I took Psych 101 and loved it and could tell it that would be applicable to anything I wanted to… read more about Class of 2023: MMS and Psychology Senior Finds Her Path to Business »
“Right when I stepped onto Duke’s campus, I knew it was where I belonged,” said Political Science and MMS senior Olivia Navaroli. That feeling hasn’t changed over the course of the past four years. From spending the spring in Duke Gardens or cheering on Duke Basketball to climbing to the top of Duke Chapel in the fall, Navaroli’s time at Duke has been an experience to remember. Duke has provided Navaroli with an opportunity to learn more about herself and others — something that has come not just from her collegiate… read more about Class of 2023: MMS and Political Science Senior Learns About Herself by Learning About Others »
Each year, Duke Service-Learning recognizes students, faculty and community partners with the Betsy Alden Outstanding Service-Learning Awards. Betsy Alden was a pioneer in service-learning, beginning her work at Duke during the 1980s. Read more about the legacy of Betsy Alden HERE. Recipients are chosen because they represent an exceptional commitment to the ideals of service‐learning. Each winner receives $150 to further develop his/her community-building and leadership skills. They are also recognized at the… read more about 2023 Alden Award Winners Represent Exceptional Commitment to Service-Learning »
Over the course of this academic year, many new faces have joined the Markets & Management Studies Certificate program. Whether through teaching or supporting the program, the MMS faculty and staff are excited to help you through your Duke journey. Learn more about the newest members of the MMS faculty and staff team. Rick Singer Rick joins the MMS program after having spent 6 years as CEO of the Tiger Woods Foundation, an educational foundation for the advancement… read more about Meet the New Faces of MMS »
The current rising sophomores are the first Markets & Management Studies cohort who have taken the new gateway course as part of their official MMS curriculum. As a gateway course, Organizational Leadership & Management provides first and second-year students with an introductory level MMS course to jumpstart their program. MMS Director Martha Reeves explains why the course is a valuable early step in the certificate experience. Have you ever worked for someone with poor… read more about MMS Course Is a Gateway to Learning Soft Skills »
Deborah Reisinger, associate professor of the practice of Romance Studies, has been selected as a member of the Ordre des Palmes Académiques, an honor that recognizes excellence in teaching and promotion of the French language and culture. The honor of chevalier, or knight, is bestowed by the French government. French Consul Anne-Laure Desjonquères presented it to Reisinger by in an official pinning ceremony held in Rubenstein Library on November 16. The badge, which has remained the same… read more about Deborah Reisinger Receives Official Knighthood from French Government »
The mere mention of public speaking reduces many to tears: sweaty palms and dry mouth, anxiety levels off the charts and the deafening silence that soon follows when the brain refuses to cooperate. Cue the panic attack. Now, imagine not just public speaking, but debating. Now, imagine debating in Arabic and at your first international competition against teams of native speakers in front of an audience of hundreds. Oh, and you are on a team that formed less than a year ago. This is what the Duke-UNC Arabic debate… read more about No Arguments: Arabic Debate Team Among the Top Eight »
“Patagonia'' was the answer Markets & Management Studies students Katie Kim and Deepthi Chandra both gave when asked for examples of businesses that they believe are successful at cause marketing — a strategy that combines traditional business motives for profits with social good. It is no mistake that they both answered similarly; the list of businesses who are consistently and universally acknowledged for doing this type of marketing well is slim but growing. Together with Professor Martha Reeves, they wanted to know… read more about Faculty and Undergraduates Study ‘Cause Marketing’ in an Age of Polarization »
Students who earn the MMS certificate take a capstone course their senior year. While each of the capstones teach the same core values, the instructors lead the courses slightly differently, creating unique experiences for MMS students. George Grody’s capstone is centered around a simulation through Capsim where six teams of four compete as CEOs of microprocessor chip companies. The product itself is less relevant than the implementation of business decisions related to design, marketing, production, finance, and ethics.… read more about MMS Capstone Reflection with George Grody »
This weekend, 120 undergraduate students will receive Markets & Management certificates. Students who complete the certificate come from a diverse array of majors and minors, creating MMS experiences unique to each student. You can read about the experiences and future plans of three of our graduating seniors below. Bryan Edwards Bryan Edwards is a Public Policy Studies major, Computer Science minor and MMS certificate student. After graduation, he will be a Rotational… read more about Profiles from the Class of 2022 »
Bryan Edwards is a Public Policy Studies major, Computer Science minor and MMS certificate student. After graduation, he will be a Rotational Analyst at the NFL through their Junior Rotational Program (JRP). Bryan came to Duke excited to study the intersection of business and sports. But he didn’t have a clear grasp of what opportunities would be available to him. “Coming into [Duke] I had a very narrow concept of the business of sport,” he said, thinking primarily of sports agents or sports psychology. But through… read more about Profiles from the Class of 2022: Bryan Edwards »
Katherine Vieser never intended to attend Duke. She thought she wanted to study undergraduate business and could not do that at Duke. But she visited on a whim and decided to take a tour. “I mean it sounds so cheesy but I had a great tour. It was beautiful day, and I just knew this was the school for me." It turns out, Katherine was right; Duke was the school for her, and the lack of undergraduate business did not hinder her experience. In fact, she believes the ability to study so many different programs in an… read more about Profiles from the Class of 2022: Katherine Vieser »
Simon Brown is a Public Policy Major and MMS Certificate student graduating in Spring of 2022. He will begin working in Sales Technology for Amazon Web Services in Washington, DC in August. During his time at Duke, Simon participated in many curricular and co-curricular activities including two Bass Connections projects and two semesters as an MMS Student Ambassador. Simon shared about two professors who will have lasting impacts on his Duke experience. The first was Cultural Anthropology’s Ed Timke who taught… read more about Profiles from the Class of 2022: Simon Brown »
Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with a Duke MMS and Fuqua alum, Zoey Kang. I spoke with her a little bit about her experience at Duke and how it has guided her post-graduate life. More specifically, she shared with me the valuable skills the MMS program provided her with and her advice to other students. The responses below are paraphrased from a conversation held earlier in the semester and have been edited for clarity and length. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? To this day, I don’t have a… read more about Navigating Startup Life in an Aged Industry: Q&A with MMS Alumna Zoey Kang »
The Markets & Management Studies Certificate is a great addition to any Duke academic track. It’s the perfect way to get exposure to business studies as an undergraduate. But when it comes time to put that into practice and find an internship, it can be difficult for potential employers to understand just exactly how the certificate fits in with what you’re studying and why it’s useful. It can be even more difficult for you, the student, to explain that to potential employers. I’ve found that the key is to show… read more about MMS In Reality: Internships in Risk Assessment »
Interview with Hans J. Van Miegroet, Professor Art & Markets within the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies at Duke University Hans J. Van Miegroet is Professor Art & Markets within the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies at Duke University. He is also a founder of the Duke Art, Law and Markets Initiative (DALMI), which is a consortium engaged in advanced research on art and markets from a new and previously unexplored interdisciplinary perspective - the… read more about Hans J. Van Miegroet Leads International Collaboration to Research More Inclusive, Bias Free and Data-Driven Art History »
What if the words you use every day in your business with clients do not translate perfectly into other languages? This is one of the international business consulting challenges that Martha Reeves’ capstone course experienced this past semester as they worked with Global Brigades Panama. They held remote meetings with clients in rural locations and communicated solely through translators as they gained valuable lessons and experiences they will take with them into their future careers. A health and development nonprofit… read more about What MMS Students Learned While Helping Businesses in Rural Panama »