
The following lists all active courses that are part of the Markets & Management program. To see which courses are offered during a specific semester, please refer to the semester-specific tabs on the right of this page.

*Note: Students who matriculated on or after fall 2022 are required to take either MMS 197 or SOC 258  as a gateway course, replacing one of the 2 core courses. Gateway courses cannot double count towards the core.

Capstone Course

Number Title Codes
MMS 450 Markets and Management Capstone R, SS

Gateway Courses*

(one required for students who matriculated on or after Fall 2022)
Number Title Codes
MMS 197 Organizational Leadership & Management SS
SOCIOL 258 Markets and Marketing CCI, R, STS, SS

Core Courses

Elective Courses

Number Title Codes
ARTHIST 220 Museum Theory and Practice R, ALP
ARTHIST 231D History of Art Markets R, STS, ALP, SS
FMKT 256 Practical Financial Markets SS
FMKT 333 Private Equity SS
FECON 368 Behavioral Finance: A Taxonomy of Money Mistakes SS
FECON 372 Asset Pricing and Risk Management QS, SS
FECON 373 Corporate Finance R, QS, SS
COMPSCI 323D Computational Microeconomics QS
COMPSCI 342 Technical and Social Analysis of Information and the Internet EI, R, W, SS
COMPSCI 408 Delivering Software: From Concept to Client EI, R, STS
CULANTH 170 Advertising and Society: Global Perspective (DS4) CCI, SS
CULANTH 210 Global Culture CCI, SS
CULANTH 425 Globalization and Anti-Globalization CCI, CZ, SS
CULANTH 530S Racial Capitalism: From 1492 to the Movement for Black Lives CCI, R, CZ, SS
ECON 174 Financial Accounting QS, SS
ECON 256 Practical Financial Markets SS
ECON 274 Advanced Financial and Managerial Accounting QS, SS
ECON 311 History of Economic Thought CCI, R, W, SS
ECON 344 History of Art Markets R, STS, ALP, SS
ECON 348 Gender in the Economy CCI, EI, R, SS
ECON 375 The Economics of Entrepreneurship R, SS
ECON 464 Competitive Strategy and Industrial Organization QS, SS
ENVIRON 155 Principles of Economics and the Environment EI, STS, SS
ENVIRON 348 Global Environmental Politics SS
ETHICS 301S Business and Human Rights Advocacy Lab EI, R, W
FRENCH 321S Working in French: S'engager dans le monde francophone CCI, FL
FRENCH 431 Anthropologie Economique CCI, FL, SS
GSF 221 Women at Work: Gendered Experience of Corporate Life CCI, STS, SS
GSF 361 Money, Sex, Power CCI, CZ, SS
HISTORY 227 The Emergence of Modern Japan CCI, CZ
HISTORY 248S Book Publishing & Marketing: A Case Study of the Romance Fiction Industry CCI, W, ALP, CZ
ICS 195 Critical Approaches to Global Issues CCI, W, CZ, SS
MMS 210 Managerial Effectiveness STS, SS
MMS 220 Marketing Management STS, SS
MMS 230 Game Changers: From Panda Diplomacy to Zipcar
MMS 272 Marketing Across Borders, Cultures and Demographics CCI, SS
MMS 275 Business of Sport: A Comprehensive Look at a Powerhouse Global Industry
MMS 365 Strategic Financial Management SS
MMS 370 Managerial Finance SS
MMS 380 Entrepreneurial Marketing SS
MMS 390 Special Topics in Markets and Management Studies
MMS 390A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Topics in Markets and Management Studies
MMS 390S Special Topics in Markets and Management Studies
MMS 490 Special Topics in Markets and Management Studies
MMS 490S Special Topics Seminar in Markets and Management Studies
PHIL 237A Political Philosophy of Globalization CCI, EI, CZ, SS
PHIL 270 Business Ethics: The Debate Over Corporate Social Responsibility EI, SS
PHIL 510S Adversarial Ethics EI, SS
POLSCI 145 Introduction to Political Economy EI, SS
POLSCI 146 Politics and Economics SS
POLSCI 315S Political Economy of Financial Crises SS
POLSCI 321 International Law and International Institutions CCI, R, W, SS
POLSCI 346 Business, Politics, and Economic Growth CCI, SS
POLSCI 349 Political Economy of Latin America CCI, SS
POLSCI 468S Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Prosperity and Distribution in the Long Run SS
POLSCI 650S Political Economy of International Relations R, SS
PSY 425 The Psychology of Consumers EI, SS
PUBPOL 212 Globalization and Public Policy R, SS
PUBPOL 213 Arts Policy, Leadership, and Engagement EI, R, SS
PUBPOL 290 Selected Public Policy Topics
PUBPOL 298 Developing Leadership for a Better World EI, SS
RUSSIAN 350 Eastern Europe in Transition: Markets, Media, and the Mafia CCI, CZ, SS
RUSSIAN 399 Global Russia CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
SOCIOL 197FS Freedom and the Market EI, W, SS
SOCIOL 341 The United States and the Asian Pacific Region CCI, R, CZ, SS
SOCIOL 354 Getting Rich: Financial Markets, Household Finance, and Wealth R, STS, SS
SOCIOL 367S Studying Society with AI R, STS, SS
VMS 366L Theories and Practices of Data Visualization R, STS