Critical Approaches to Global Issues

ICS 195

Introduction to critical transnational studies through several disciplinary approaches. Examines capitalism and neo-liberal globalization and their relationships to culture, politics, economics, and other social forms and outcomes; considers transnationalism 'from below'; addresses linear and Western-centric thinking about progress and modernity; focuses a historical lens on political discourses, institutions, and projects to understand them contextually; demonstrates how cultures and identities are dynamically constituted in interaction with historical, material, political, and situational factors; considers how different inequalities and contestations inflect most social formations.


Reserved for first-year and sophomore students

Curriculum Codes
  • CCI
  • W
  • CZ
  • SS
Cross-Listed As
  • CULANTH 195
  • GSF 195
  • HISTORY 103
  • POLSCI 110
  • SOCIOL 195
Typically Offered
Fall and/or Spring